Tuesday, September 19, 2017

One Despot and One in the Making: On the Brink of Total All-Out Nuclear War

Self-Evident: Generalissimo in the Making 

Past NK Despots: Grandfather, Father, and Son
(Kim, Il-sung (김일성); Kim, Jong-il (김정일), Kim, Jong-un (김정은)

Kim Jung-Un wants: (1) An official end of the Korean War – not this sustained cease fire; (2) Removal of all American forces (some 28,500) from Korea; and (3) World recognition equal to other countries.

Note: Kim presupposes, I think, that since he has nukes and Japan and the South do not, that he can intimidate the South into submission under rule for a totally new and one Korea based on his talk about “final victory” – his reference to taking over the South.

Overconfident despots like Kim can and do miscalculate and begin a chain of events spiraling into war that would be a world disaster. One man is not worth that cost.
Although Americans are confident in their “overwhelming” capabilities, as Trump’s comments at Joint Base Andrews on Friday indicate, the North Koreans probably do not view it that way.

NK has a long memory:

In 1968: They grabbed the USS Pueblo, an unarmed U.S. Navy reconnaissance vessel, from international water and held the crew for almost a year, killing one sailor and even getting an apology from the Johnson administration.

In 1969:  They killed 31 Americans when they shot down a Navy EC-121 Reconnaissance plane and the U.S. did not react.

In 1976:  They hacked to death two U.S. Army officers in the DMZ: the so-called tree cutting incident) and the U.S. did not react.

In each case, NK did not pay any price per se for those incidents.

My Input: Intimidating the last three Kim family rulers does not faze them – no one bit. They are pros at that game. Even though many Americans call Kim “irrational,” it would it be crazy for us to now think we can force rationality on Kim Jung-Un – as they say, “It ain’t gonna happen.”

I say, give Kim what he wants that is if their nuclear program is stopped and can be verified to the world. 

The negotiation table await the two maniacs of equal caliber: Kim and Trump.

Their back and forth crazy PR games is scary.

War by miscalculation and misconception looks if not probable, inevitable more than ever – if so, scratch Seoul and millions dead in hours. Nukes start flying – scratch Mother Earth, too. Nuclear war is not “limited in any sense.”

Thanks for stopping by as usual – come again.

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