Saturday, October 12, 2024

Championship Liar Contest: The King of Liars Above All Others Hands Down is Donald J. Trump

Also, Pants on Fire First Place World Champ

Outstanding CNN article that is long and detailed regarding more Trump lies on top of piles of lies (well over 35,000 to date) with this headline:

“Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat”

Trump has escalated his long-running assault on the integrity of our elections as the 2024 presidential campaign enters its final stretch, using a new series of lies about ballots; vote-counting; and the election process to lay the groundwork to challenge his potential defeat in November.

Non-partisan democracy experts say they’re seeing many of the same warning signs that were blinking red before Election Day four years ago when he flooded the zone with election lies and conspiracy theories that he amplified after losing to Joe Biden.

That Trump campaign of deception culminated in the attack on the National Capitol on January 6, 2021.

For example: Lindsay Daniels a senior director at the non-partisan Democracy Fund, which works to strengthen our democracy and voting, noted saying:The threats have not abated; they have only increased. We saw a lot of activity in 2020 around peddling false claims and frivolous lawsuits. We are already seeing signs now, stage-setting, that these things may be attempted again.”

My 2 Cents: The CNN article continues at the link above. 

FYI Added: MajorTrump lies in 2024 – worth your time to read and research the facts at this critical time on our political election history.

The B/L: Trump cannot accept defeat in his life and boy he has a ton of defeats. He will lie before, during, and after any defeat or loss of any judicial ruling against him. That’s who he is – he is a serial liar and constant loser. 

He must be stopped at the ballot box on November 5, 2024. 

Thanks for stopping by

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

MAGA Mike Johnson: Has Plan for Trump Victory; Keep GOP House; and His Speakership

Q & A: How're things going for me, Mike
(Still on track, sire)

Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson (R-LA),Trump's loyal lapdog, lays out his plan to keep the House in GOP hands after 2024 reported on here from ABC News with this headline story from the AP:

“Speaker Johnson lays out agenda for Republicans as they fight to hold House majority”

WASHINGTON: Speaker Mike Johnson laid out a policy agenda should Republicans take the majority next year that extends the tax cuts approved when Trump was president in 2017 and the other things seen below.
Tied to PROJECT 2025 that I posted about here.

FROM THE 2017 TRUMP TAXCUT: The 2017 law changes disproportionately benefited the highest-income households. In 2025 — the last year before the temporary changes to the personal income and estate tax provisions expire. 


· The top 1% of the income distribution will receive an average tax cut of $61,090.

· In contrast, those in the middle quintile of the distribution will receive an average reduction of $910.00,

· Those in the lowest quintile will receive, on average, of a mere $70.00 tax reduction.

· Fair but only for the Trump pals at the very top rung.

Johnson emphasized five main policy points during his speech at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) saying the GOP would: (1) Extend and build on the 2017 Trump tax cuts; (2 Confront China; (3) Boost oil and gas production; (4) Expand school choice (but without the DEPT OF EDU); and, (5) Cut the size and scope of the federal government (e.g., firing 50,000 civil servants and replacing them with Trump/MAGA loyalists).

The speaker is fighting this election season to hold onto the GOP’s narrow House majority, with just a handful of seats to spare. 

Republicans are hopeful that a Trump victory over Kamala Harris in the election will help propel them to majorities in the House and Senate, which would give them unified control of Washington for the first time since 2018 and the ability to enact a sweeping legislative agenda.

Johnson’s string of lies: He provided a bleak view of the economy under President Joe Biden, even though: (1) The economy continues to grow at a solid pace, (2) inflation is on the decline, and (3) the unemployment rate is still low by historical standards.

Johnson also said:I have traveled the country meeting business owners on the verge of collapse because of high inflation, high taxes and over-regulation.”

He said he's met moms and dads who have resorted to donating plasma and setting up crowdfunding pages so that they didn't lose their homes adding:Our incredible people are hanging on right now in spite of so many unprecedented challenges, but many can't afford to do it much longer.”

The first policy priority Johnson outlined was enhanced tax breaks, citing specifically immediate expensing for research and development costs. 

He also cited the need for a “strong” child tax credit, though he did not provide specific numbers

He then said the Republican tax policies would “respect the dignity of work, and it doesn't pay people more for staying out of the workforce.”

Trump has laid out a series of tax cuts on the campaign trail, such as extending the expiring provisions of his 2017 overhaul, and not taxing tips and Social Security. 

Outside experts say the tax cuts proposed by Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris would cause the debt to rise even faster the pace under current law.

Specific Johnson points: Doing more to confront China and rolling back environmental regulations are a common denominator for Republicans that Johnson embraced in his speech. 

On education, he said millions of Americans have the opportunity to send their children to a school that best fits their need, and “Republicans want to expand that choice so that every American has that opportunity.” 

Johnson also emphasized cutting the debt by cutting the size of the federal government, saying “we're going to reduce the size of the federal workforce and root out a long list of non-essential jobs through the federal bureaucracy.”

He concluded: “It's hard to roll back the entrenched bureaucracy and face the system that has produced the decline. It's a difficult task, but it's a task that can be achieved.”

Johnson concluded: “The survival of the American dream depends upon our victory.”

My 2 Cents: Based on above, two new nicknames come to mind as highly appropriate for Speaker Johnson: (1) Birdbrain, and (2) Sycophant (for Trump) just that simple. I’ll leave it at that except to say he is unfit to be the House Speaker and 2nd in Line for the Presidency due to a total and complete local lack of any leadership skills – period, none – not one ounce – case closed.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Big Harris Endorsement: 700 National Security Leaders for America (NSL4A) Endorse Harris


The 700 names listed in the letter linked below

This is an update of that which follows – it is from 700 various retired high ranking military, political, and various other leadership persons who signed a letter supporting Kamala Harris over Trump seen here in their publicly released letter with this headline:

“National Security Leaders for America (NSL4A) Endorses Kamala Harris for President of the United States”

To the American People (September 22, 2024): We are former public servants who swore an oath to the Constitution. Many of us risked our lives for it. We are retired generals, admirals, senior noncommissioned officers, ambassadors, and senior civilian national security leaders. 

We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We are loyal to the ideals of our nation — like freedom, democracy, and the rule of law — not to any one individual or party.

We do not agree on everything, but we all adhere to two fundamental principles. First, we believe America’s national security requires a serious and capable Commander-in-Chief. Second, we believe American democracy is invaluable. Each generation has a responsibility to defend it. That is why we, the undersigned, proudly endorse Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States.

This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness. It is a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. Vice President Harris defends America’s democratic ideals, while former President Donald Trump endangers them.

We do not make such an assessment lightly. We are trained to make sober, rational decisions. That is how we know Vice President Harris would make an excellent Commander-in-Chief, while Mr. Trump has proven he is not up to the job. As leaders, we know effective leadership requires in-depth knowledge, careful deliberation, and understanding of our adversaries and empathy for those you lead. It requires listening to those with expertise and not firing them when they disagree with you.

Vice President Harris has proven she is an effective leader able to advance American national security interests. Her relentless diplomacy with allies around the globe preserved a united front in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. She grasps the reality of American military deterrence, promising to preserve the American military’s status as the most “lethal” force in the world.

The contrast with Mr. Trump is clear: Where Vice President Harris is prepared and strategic, he is impulsive and ill-informed. He has heaped praise on adversarial dictators like China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, as well as the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah. Conversely, he has publicly and privately excoriated the leaders of our most steadfast allies, including the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Canada, and Germany. He abandoned our Kurdish allies while ceding influence in the Middle East to Russia, Iran, and China.

Further, Mr. Trump denigrates our great country and does not believe in the American ideal that our leaders should reflect the will of the people. While Vice President Harris follows the democratic norms we expect of any political leader — including promising to abide by the outcome of the pending election and respecting the rule of law..

Mr. Trump is the first president in American history to actively undermine the peaceful transfer of power, the bedrock of American democracy.

Mr. Trump threatens our democratic system; he has said so himself. He has called for the “termination” of parts of the Constitution. He said he wants to be a “dictator,” and his clarification that he would only be a dictator for a day is not reassuring. He has undermined faith in our elections by repeating lies, without evidence, of “millions” of fraudulent votes.

He has shown no remorse for trying to overturn the 2020 election on January 6th promised to pardon the perpetrators and made it clear he will not respect the results of the 2024 election should he lose again.

That alone proves Mr. Trump is unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. We believe, as President Ronald Reagan said, that “America is a shining city on a hill.” Yet in this election, one of President Reagan’s more ominous warnings is equally relevant. “Freedom,” he said, “is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Our endorsement of Vice President Harris is an endorsement of freedom and an act of patriotism. It is an endorsement of democratic ideals, of competence, and of relentless optimism in America’s future.

We hope you will join us in voting for her.

NOTE: The letter at the above link has the names.

The Original Post: Trump ex-staffers talk about Trump in this quite long and very accurate report here:

Olivia Troye worked at the homeland security counterterrorism, and then later as COVID-19 advisor to Vice President Mike Pence. She resigned from her role in 2020 over Trump's handling of the pandemic, claiming to have heard him say:Maybe this COVID thing is a good thing. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people.”

According to Troye:Trump has done a great job of sort of marketing himself as the champion for all of these people who are behind him in this movement, but in private he was so disparaging of them. What is so frustrating and angering to me is the fact he has nothing in common with any of his supporters and I detest the way he speaks about them. I think about my own family members who, by the way, are very unhappy with me. I have a lot of family members who are still Trump supporters. They're very upset that I'm a Trump critic. I think about them and I'm like, I hate the way you speak about them sometimes behind closed doors.”

Ret. Marine Gen. John Kelly, former Trump’s CofS, said on the record about Trumps speaking to CNN and confirmed damning reports that Trump repeatedly made controversial comments about wounded veterans such as: What can I add that has not already been said? He is a person who thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them. He is a person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees when he said it doesn’t look good for me. He demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family on TV in 2016, He said those who gave their lives in America’s defense are losers and suckers” and would not visit graves in France.”

Trump, not unsurprisingly took Kelly's comments and made headlines, on his social network Truth Social in a series of posts comprising more than 200 words writing:John Kelly, by far the dumbest of my Military people, just picked up the theme of the Radical Left’s lying about Gold Star Families and Soldiers, in his hatred of me. He was incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn’t stand the guy, so I fired him like a 'dog.' He had no heart or respect for people. He's already on record defending me all over the place. Nobody loves the military like I do! ... He's a Lowlife with a very small brain and a very big mouth.”

Despite his seemingly unfailing loyalty, former Trump AG Bill Barr broke ranks when he refused to go along with Trump's rigged election claims and resigned in December 2020. He went on to rebuke Trump for inciting the January attack on the Capitol and the pair have since entered into a war of words...

Barr released his book:One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General in spring 2022.” That is his tell-all exposé that became an instant bestseller.

In an article in the NY Post Barr wrote:Among the current crop of potential nominees, Trump is the person least able to unite the party and the one most likely to lose the general election.”

Barr also spoke out about Trump's second indictment, saying on Fox News: I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of [the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago] and how many there were... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts. If even half of it is true, then he's toast. It's a very detailed indictment and it's very damning.”

Barr continued:A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about... A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”

Kelly's remarks corroborate various details included in a 2020 story in The Atlantic, written by Editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg. In his story, Goldberg claims, among other revelations, is that when Trump described former Vietnam POW and the late Senator John McCain as a loser for “getting captured,” injured, and being held as POW for nearly  6 years in the infamous Hanoi Hilton.” 

My 2 Cents: Can only say I totally agree with the 700 signatories, and would openly add my name to their letter.

Congrats to them and I hope their words carry weight with any still undecided voters. I predict and believe it will & VP Harris will win in a major landslide in both popular and electoral votes.

Thanks for stopping by.





Sunday, September 15, 2024

Laura Loomer Glued to Trump: His Team Now Made Up of Crooks; Liars; Cons & No-Accounts

Trump's new flame thrower or something else

Excellent rundown on Laura Loomer – which many are now calling “Loomer Tunes” and that’s not an insult to Walt Disney or his comic title of our favorite cartoon characters either. 

She is in a word: A stark-raving lunatic, pure and simple, period.

The article is from The NY TIMES with this headline: (Note: I chose the below parts from the main article and formatted them to fit the blog – check out the main article above in full):

Who Is Laura Loomer, the Far-Right Activist Who Traveled With Trump?”

What Trump said about Loomer’s lies about  Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH as he defended her Loomer at a news conference on Friday, calling her one of his supporters and then saying to reporters:I don’t control Laura. Laura has to say what she wants. She’s a free spirit.”

When asked again in more detail about the conspiracy theories she had spread and her recent racist remarks (eating pets), he said that he was unaware of them, then adding:I do know that she may have said something based on what you’re telling me, but I don’t know what she said. But, I’ll go take a look, and I’ll put out a statement later on.” (More also on the Loomer bomb threat Q&A to Trump and his mostly non-response).

A few hours later, Trump wrote on his TRUTH SOCIAL site:I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me.”

Note: Trump did not specify which statements he was objecting to nor the direct question he was asked.

Whom else has Loomer associated with in Trump world and how did she get started? Loomer was still a senior at Barry University near Miami when she made an undercover video, secretly filming university officials discussing her proposal to create a club for students who support the Islamic State, or ISIS. That footage then was picked up by Project Veritas and broadcast widely.  

Project Veritas is an American far-right group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. 

Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated both  disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and their operations.

Targets of Project Veritas have included: Planned Parenthood; Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN); NPR: CNN; and The Washington Post.

For example, in 2009, Project Veritas associates published misleading videos that depicted ACORN employees providing advice on concealing illegal activity, causing ACORN to shut down after losing funding.

ACORN was cleared of all wrongdoing by the CA AG in 2010, and their associates paid a total of $150,000 settlements to one CORN employee who sued for defamation. 

After all that made news, Loomer worked with O’Keefe at Project Veritas for several years. During her time at Project Veritas, she worked with Jack Posobiec, another conservative influencer and conspiracy theorist who now has a podcast and a huge following on social media. 

Posobiec then joined a war room made of influencers serving as an online rapid response team for Trump during the Harris debate.

FYI: Among Loomer’s endorsers when she ran for Congress twice was Roger Stone, the longtime political operative she calls her mentor. 

Stone of course, is historically known for his “dirty tricks” dating back to the Richard Nixon era. Stone has remained close to Trump, who as president pardoned him after he was convicted on seven felony counts in 2019.

My 2 Cents: It is obvious that Loomer by her connections and actions over the years and by her wild-ass statements lately is that she learned well from a lot scummy people like those named above.

Now, she’s stuck to and on the #1 scumbag of all time in our political history: Donald J. Trump (that I posted about here).

So, she is sticking with Trump and close by him hoping that if he wins, she wins, and she probably wants a high level  position in his White House (maybe even as Trump’s White House press secretary!!!! Yikes…).

Stay tuned on all that. It’s gonna be a barn burner as they say. 

And once again, please help get out the vote and stop this madness spewing from Trump and his insane team like now.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sen. Tuberville Strikes Again: He Has Trump Cult MAGA Orders for Massive Voter Suppression

Tuberville's Main Threesome w/others in the MAGA camp

Those three GOP Senators: Sen. Tuberville (R-AL); behind left, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT); and behind, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and lip locked on Trump's ass.

Those three following Trump's orders are a real threat to our free, fair, safe, and secure 2024 election and beyond if the Trump MAGA (not GOP) cult gets their way as stated in this article from RAWSTORY and seen in this short CSPAN video clip.

The basic issue is a national threat as stated in this story headline:

“Hell to pay: Sen. Tommy Tuberville threatens Dems with another January 6 national attack”

Background on this issue is also from my earlier post here re: this same subject that follows below: 

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) threatened that there would be another January 6 riot if Democrats did not pass a Republican-backed bill that would make it harder to vote.

The issue: Tuberville urged Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to schedule a vote on the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVE Act).

That bill would require a birth certificate or U.S. passport in order to vote, even though it is already unlawful for non-citizens to participate in any and all Federal elections.

Tuberville said: The Democrats know better than this, but they want power so bad that they're going to try to tear down our election system, And, I'm going to tell you this. My first day was January the 6th in 2021. And, what's going to happen if we do not show the American people that the elections are going to be fair and they're going to be satisfied with the outcome, no matter whether Republicans win or Democrats win, you are going to have hell to pay in this country. It's coming. And, I'm not so sure that's not what the Democrats want.”

Trump also urged the GOP to shut down the government if the “SAVE Act” is not passed before the election in November.

My 2 Cents: My note to Sen. Tuberville and his cronies - your threat of another January 6 insurrection in 2025 if the “SAVE Act” (actually the MAGA GOP voter suppression bill) is not passed into law, or if Trump is not elected, is illegal.

Keep in mind Senator, threats of this kind IS NOT protected free speech cite this from SCOTUS - years ago:

Free Speech and First Amendment exceptions:

1. “There is no hate speech exception to the First Amendment rights.

2. “Threats of violence and incitement to violence are not protected.”

3. “Hate crime laws can punish violence or vandalism based on the offender targeting particular groups, but that doesn't allow punishment of supposed hate speech.”

Legal reference from Cornell University Law: 8 U.S. Code § 2102.

Tuberville and all others of that same ilk should be IAW the law cited above automatically expelled from the Senate, or likewise anyone now serving in the House.

Iron clad principle: No one is above the law. Period!!! And, especially threats of another insurrection like January 6 to overturn a free, fair, safe, and secure election – it’s just that simple!!!

Help get out the vote & stop this MAGA-Trump-cult-like madness.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Russia, Russia, Russia: GOP's Anti-DEM 2016 Election Slam Well — Russia's Baaaack!!!

DOJ says six Americans paid to spread disinformation
(Media influencers paid for covert Russian Operation)

Hey GOP right wingers and ultra-conservatives how about throwing some blame for the nation’s woes your way, um based on this startling PBS news article from The AP and also here with a video clip from NPR’s reporting, elsewhere.

First watch AG Garland’s announcement on Russia’s 2024 election disinformation efforts & DOJ’s countering (32 minutes but worth it):

“Well-known right-wing influencers duped to work for covert Russian operation, U.S. prosecutors say”

NY (AP) (Sep. 5, 2024): They have millions of followers online. They have been major players in right-wing political discourse since Trump was president. U.S. prosecutors say they worked unknowingly for a company that was a front for a Russian influence operation.

The DOJ indictment filed alleges a media company linked to six American conservative influencers — including these three well-known personalities: Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, and Tim Pool  and these other three: Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, and Matt Christiansen (not pictured above). All six are discussed abds seen in this USA Today site.

All six were secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were broadcast in part, and: “Often consistent with the Kremlin’s interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.”

In addition to marking the third straight presidential election (2016 to present) in which U.S. authorities have unveiled politically charged details about Russia’s attempted interference in U.S. politics, this indictment show how Moscow may be attempting (again) to capitalize on the skyrocketing popularity of right-wing podcasters, live streamers, and other content creators who have found successful careers on social media in the years since Trump was in office.

The DOJ doesn’t allege any wrongdoing by the influencers, some of whom it says were given false information about the source of the company’s funding.

However, the DOJ indictment accuses employees of RT (Russia Today), a Russian state media company, of funneling nearly $10 million to a Tennessee-based content creation company for Russia-friendly content. Some were paid: $400k/month; $100k/signing bonus; and $100k/per video presentation.

After the indictments were announced, both Pool and Johnson issued statements on social media, which Rubin retweeted, saying they were victims of the alleged crimes and had done nothing wrong.

Pool said:We still do not know what is true as these are only allegations. Putin is a scumbag.”

Johnson wrote:He had been asked a year ago to provide content to a media startup and that his lawyers had negotiated a standard, arm’s length deal, which was later terminated.”

Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva are charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). They are still at large, and it was not immediately clear if they had lawyers.

U.S. officials have previously warned of Russia’s use of unwitting Americans to further influence operations in the 2024 election, but the indictment is the most detailed description of those efforts to date.

NOTE: Intelligence officials still say Moscow (Putin) has preference for Trump to win ever since 2016. Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations to help Trump in the 2020 election, while his 2016 campaign benefited from hacking by Russian intelligence officers and a covert social media effort, according to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials (e.g., the DNC and Hillary Clinton emails).

With the decline of traditional media like newspapers and limits on direct advertising on social media platforms, influencers are increasingly playing a key role in politics and shaping public opinion.

FYI: Both the Republican and Democratic parties invited scores of influencers to their respective national conventions this summer. But with little to no disclosure requirements about who is funding influencers’ work, the public is largely in the dark about who is powering the messaging online.

Though the indictment does not name the Tennessee-based company, the details match up exactly with Tenet Media (NOTE: Their homepage header shows all 6 of the persons mentioned in the DOJ indictment, too). Tenet boasts of hosting “a network of heterodox commentators that focus on Western political and cultural issues.”

Tenet’s website lists six influencers who provide content, including Pool, Johnson, Rubin, Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, and Matt Christiansen again in their header page just mentioned. Tenet Media’s six main influencers have more than 7 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 7 million followers on X.

Fueled by public outrage and online fandom, the influencers who make up the bench of talent at Tenet Media have amassed millions of loyal followers who agree with their staunch conservatism and brazen willingness to voice controversial opinions. Their channels also have created communities for conservative Americans who have lost trust in mainstream media sources through Trump’s 2020 loss and the COVID-19 pandemic. Several of them have faced criticism for spreading political misinformation.

The indictment shows that some of the influencers were paid handsomely for their work. One unidentified influencer’s contract included a $400,000 monthly fee, a $100,000 signing bonus, and an additional performance bonus per video.

Tenet Media’s shows in recent months have featured high-profile conservative guests, including: RNC co-chair Lara Trump (Eric’s wife); former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy; and Senate candidate Kari Lake. Nearly 2,000 videos posted by the company have gotten more than 16 million views on YouTube alone.

· Pool is a journalist-turned-YouTuber who first gained public attention for livestreaming the Occupy Wall Street protests, hosted Trump on his podcast earlier this year.

· Johnson is an outspoken Trump supporter and internet personality who was fired from BuzzFeed after the company found evidence he’d plagiarized other works.

· Rubin was previously part of the liberal news commentary show “The Young Turks” but has since identified as a libertarian. He boasts the largest YouTube following of Tenet’s influencer roster and hosts a show called “The Rubin Report.”

Tenet Media President Liam Donovan is the husband of Lauren Chen, a Canadian influencer who has appeared as a guest in several Tenet Media videos.

Chen is affiliated with the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA and has hosted shows for the right-wing network Blaze Media. RT’s website also lists her as a contributor of several opinion articles from 2021 and 2022.

My 2 Cents: Okay – so who are you gonna believe and trust regarding this story?

Hopefully, we all should trust the DOJ and their allegations and efforts to counter any Russian or other foreign election interference actors.

This election might be the most important in our nation’s political history.

Hope you enjoyed the post. Come again.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Trump-Vance 2024 Team: Liars Я Us They Can't Hide the Facts No Matter How Hard They Try


The #1 Snake Oil salesman in the world 

Nasty comments from Trump and his mini-me JD Vance thus far – disgusting and this the latest headline for Trump – Vance’s follows:

Trump from NEWSWEEK Headline: 74 things Donald Trump has said about women. The former president has a long history of controversial remarks about the opposite sex but this one takes the proverbial cake and set the scene for what follows:

From his lips:Nobody has more respect for women than I do. Nobody.”

Last year, nearly two decades after he'd accosted author E. Jean Carroll in a Manhattan department store dressing room, a New York jury ruled Trump was liable for sexual abuse, battery, and defamation against his victim, and ordered him to pay five million dollars in damages.

The verdict was informed in no small part by Trump's public comments about the incident, which he emphatically denied by claiming Carroll was simply “not his type.”

One day after Carroll won her lawsuit, Trump appeared on CNN where he denounced Carroll as a “whack job whose winnings were a rigged deal” against him. Carroll, in response, sued Trump again, this time for ten million dollars.

Although Trump's comments are perhaps his most costly remarks pertaining to women, they are far from alone.

Here are just some of the questionable, offensive, and overtly sexist things Trump has said about women:

Vice President Kamala Harris:She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's so f**king bad.” [July 3, 2024]

You know what, people don't like her. Nobody likes her. She could never be the first woman president. She could never be. That would be an insult to our country.” [September 8, 2020]

Very, very nasty ... the meanest, the most horrible, most disrespectful of anybody in the U.S. Senate.” [August 11, 2020]

GOP 2024 nomination rival Nikki Haley:

Nimbra doesn't have what it takes.” [January 19, 2024]

Birdbrain doesn't have the TALENT or TEMPERAMENT to do the job.” [September 29, 2023]

Former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and wife of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY): China loving wife, Coco Chao!" [September 30, 2022]

Fulton County, GA DA Fani Willis: She was out of her mind.” [January 9, 2024]

Casey DeSantis, wife of 2024 presidential candidate and GOP nomination rival Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL):I know more about him than anybody other than perhaps his wife, who is really running his campaign.”[November 8, 2022]

House Speaker Emerita Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):She's turned on him (Biden) like a dog. She's as crazy as a bed bug.” [July 20, 2024]

We'll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how's her husband doing, anybody know?” [September 29, 2023]

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY):This is not even a smart person, other than she's got a good line of stuff. I mean, she goes out and she yaps.” [August 14, 2020]

Stormy Daniels: “Horseface.” [October 16, 2018]

I never liked horseface. That wouldn't be the one. There is no one. We have a great First Lady.”  [March 25, 2023]

On the #Me Too movement: It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. Women are doing great.” [October 2, 2018]

On Bob Woodward's book: “Fear: Trump in the White House:” You've got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women. If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you're dead. You've got to be strong. You've got to be aggressive. You've got to push back hard. You've got to deny anything that's said about you. Never admit to anything.”

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA):An extraordinarily low IQ person.” [June 25, 2018]

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY):Someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them).” [December 12, 2017]

A hateful, ugly, nasty, mean-spiritedness expression

Vance from NEWSWEEK Headline: What Exactly JD Vance Has Said About Women

Also: Vance continues to insult women and especially those who don’t have children – latest of his previous nastiness here from NBC research files.

Vance said at a Center for Christian Virtue leadership forum moderated by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt and the group’s president, Aaron Baer, in October 2021:You know, so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids, trying to brainwash the minds of our children.”

DeSantis FL state law for public schools and students:Don’t say gay, don’t read this book or that book. Do only what I approve, etc.” 

I wonder what Vance calls that from DeSantis - oops!!!

Vance now has taken aim at Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers union, who described herself as “a mother by marriage.”

Vance said in a 30-second clip from the liberal news site Heartland Signal: She doesn’t have a single child of her own. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the mind of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”

Vance previously drew widespread criticism over other resurfaced remarks from 2021 in which he also called Kamala Harris:One of the childless cat ladies who want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

Taylor Van Kirk, a spokeswoman for Vance, said in a statement to NBC News: “Vance will continue to loudly call this crap out to defend our kids. There is no bigger threat to American children than the left wing indoctrination being peddled in our schools by radicals like Weingarten, with the support of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.”

Ms. Weingarten wrote on X: “Gross! JD Vance’s comments are sad and insulting to millions of modern families, and school teachers including Catholic nuns, none of whom should be targeted for their family decisions.” 

National Education Association President Becky Pringle said in a statement to NBC News that Trump and Vance:Lack respect for educators who dedicate their lives to serving students,” adding: “Instead they choose to attack and demean us while pushing an extreme, unprecedented Project 2025 agenda on America that will fundamentally jeopardize our children’s futures and give Trump unprecedented power over our daily lives.”

However, Vance isn't the first Republican who has disparaged Weingarten's status as a parent.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said in a Fox News interview in 2021:Randi Weingarten is a joke. Randi Weingarten does not even have children of her own. What in the hell does she know about raising and teaching kids?”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) made a similar remarks about Weingarten, who is Jewish. Last year Greene asked if she was a mother. Ms. Weingarten responded: “I am a stepmother to her wife's two children.”

(Note: Taylor Greene was married and cheated on her husband with two different men one who was her gym buddy).

FYI: Randi Weingarten is openly gay and married and who came out in 2007, and married in 2018. Her wife is also Jewish and a Rabbi and with a law degree from Cornell with a long record as education advocate and Union leader and organizer.

My 2 Cents: I think I’ll leave the above statements from Trump and Vance speak for themselves. All-in-all, it’s pretty disgusting I conclude and I hope you agree, too.

I also hope the public and voters will vote to keep Trump and Vance as far away from the White House as possible – they are both disgusting and pitiful. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump & Musk: Seems Musk Violated FEC Finance Law for Offering Big Money to Trump

Elon Musk Offers Huge Amount of Dough to Trump
(Seems he may have violated FEC Campaign Law) 

Breaking news from THE NEW REPUBLIC that nails both Trump and Musk for possible FEC campaign financing law with this headline story:

“Trump’$ Train-wreck Elon Mu$k Interview May Have Broken the Law”

The dumpster fire of a conversation between Donald Trump and Elon Musk just became a huge legal headache.

Trump’s lengthy interview with Elon Musk earlier this month may have violated FEC regulations, at least according to one Democratic-aligned political action committee that has already filed an FEC complaint over the issue.

The complaint, filed by “End Citizens United,” argued that the unfetteredconversation on X, Musk’s $12.5 billion company, amounted to a virtual campaign event financed by the social media platform.”

Per the FEC’s website, a contribution is “Anything of value given, loaned, or advanced to influence a federal election.”

“End Citizens United” also claimed that the event did not fall under press exemptions set forth by the election commission on the basis that X is not a traditional news outlet.

And, that the company devotedconsiderable resources to host the interview, including dedicating real time staff to fix numerous technical glitches;” and (perhaps most significantly) that “Musk has repeatedly voiced his support for Trump in the 2024 race, and launched the talk with the intention to platform Trump’s personal beliefs.”

The complaint alleged:Because X spent considerable resources to host an event to expressly advocate for Trump and was not entitled to the press exemption for that event, Respondents have violated the ban on giving and receiving corporation contributions.”

The group called for the FEC toimmediately investigate the violations and to take appropriate remedial action against the brazen corporate contribution.”

Unfortunately for “End Citizens United,” such high-profile complaints can take months or even years for the ideologically gridlocked six-commissioner panel at the FEC to investigate, making it highly unlikely for the group to reach a consensus before the November election.

“End Citizens United” president Tiffany Muller said in a statement:The Donald Trump-Elon Musk campaign rally hosted on X wasn’t just an incoherent diatribe of lies marred by technical difficulties — it was a blatantly illegal corporate contribution to Donald Trump’s campaign. This brazen corporate contribution undermines campaign finance laws and would set a dangerous precedent for unfettered, direct corporate engagement in campaigns.”

My 2 Cents: I often hope for equal justice under law to be applied to every person the country and to this mess that Trump and Musk have created as discussed above.

I hope the FEC (it will take time and challenges BTW) will nail Musk with a very hefty fine and shut him and Trump up forever. They earned whatever follows.

After all, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, right? Damn right. Especially those two.

Thanks for stopping by.